Benefits of Hosting a Facebook Contest

Benefits of Hosting a Facebook Contest

So what are the benefits of hosting a Facebook contest?

While there is obvious merit and character to earning what you get, you would probably be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t like free stuff once in awhile. This is part of the reason hosting a Facebook contest on your business page is a good idea. Should you need more persuasion, however, here are five more reasons!


1. More “Likes!”

Remember elementary school student body elections, where everyone tried to outdo one another with edible treats so that people would like them? (See what we did there?) This is essentially the same thing. By giving away something cool and free, the odds are pretty good that quite a few people will like your business, literally. This is especially true if you make liking your status the entry method. Speaking of which, for more ideas about entry methods, this article from Post Planner is a great little resource.


2.  More Hype!

One of the coolest things about advertising with social media is that when word gets out, it gets out fast. Therefore, having a successful contest could very quickly put you on the map (or more firmly on the map) simply because people are talking about you. The winner of the contest will likely be pretty psyched to have won and will hopefully gush about it with their friends. Not to mention that the person who won may want to buy more of the product!


3. More Education!

Believe it or not, some people still shop via paper catalogues that come in the mail. Some of them have contests to try to find a certain picture or phrase hidden somewhere inside the catalogue, which is actually pretty clever. By encouraging the customer to peruse the entire catalogue, there’s a better chance of them landing upon an item that they would like to purchase. Your business could easily employ the same concept with correct answer submissions that require the entrant to find out a little more about your company in return for an entry.


4. More Customer Interaction!

As many of us know, one of the hardest parts about striking up a conversation is figuring out how to break the ice. By encouraging customers to answer questions or give feedback about your company, you are also giving yourself a prime opportunity to start up a real and productive conversation. Chances are, the customer will appreciate that you’ve taken an interest in their consumer experience. Plus, it’s maybe a little less over-used than the polar bear joke.


5. It’s So Easy!

One of the major things that draws people to Facebook is it’s user-friendly platform. Facebook contests do not disappoint in this area. It’s probably safe to assume that the more creative you can be with your contest, the more successful it will be, but the basics are pretty simple. Mostly, you just determine the product or service you will be giving away, set up your method of entry, and you’re golden! This article from Wishpond gives step-by-step directions to get your fun, new marketing campaign up and running.


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